This day also provided the occasion for the blessing of the newly-renovated Madeleine Sophie Prayer Room in the Chapel. The impetus for this came from Robert Dobbyn, Bursar turned Ecclesiastical Architect, who arranged for the Harry Clarke glass pieces, which had been largely unnoticed at the entrance to the Chapel, to be mounted in a striking glass panel at the side of the oratory.
Ethos Prefect, Sinead Loftus, delivered a beautifully articulated history of the Chapel and prayers were said by Fr. John Bracken, Mr. Sean Mallon and Sr. Aideen Kinlen before the symbolic opening of the door to the prayer room. On a year in which Faith is the Goal, the Chapel has been very much a focus for Family Masses on Sundays, Rosary Monday, Grandparents Mass on 1 February and a Prayer Service delivered by students and staff who visited from Kilgraston.